How to Prevent Boil Overs

Wooden spoon keeps boilovers from happening.
Reduce heat and foam begins to subside
Reduce heat and foam begins to subside

You may have already heard this and wondered whether or not it works.  Well, a wooden spoon placed across the top of the pan does prevent starchy foods, such as potatoes and noodles, from boiling over, for a time anyway.  You know how the smell of something boiling over takes over the kitchen?  It totally wipes out the smells of all the other good foods, so I avoid it as much as possible.  When I’m in the kitchen, I’m usually distracted with preparing something else while the potatoes or noodles cook.

Wooden spoon works
Wooden spoon works

Using a spoon across the top of the pan does buy enough time for me to reduce the heat without a mess.  This is one of those tips that’s now became a habit.   I still have to keep an eye on the pan, just not as close as before.

Now, I never boil anything without a spoon.  It works!







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